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What are online college courses like?

I am a sophmore at a cal state university. I’m taking 4 lecture courses, and I can’t fit two more into my schedule, so I’m thinking about taking two of them online. All together (if i take both online courses) i’ll have 17 units. The two online classes are Geography and religious studies. Will i be able to handle both, or should i just take one online course and have 14 units? I took lots of AP classes, so I don’t have to worry about units, its just the workload I’m worrying about.

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Hi! I have taken a lot of online classes while I was attending university at the same time and here is what i think about it. It’s usaully easier than the classes that you actuall go to. The workload is about the same as the classes that you actually go to but since you have freedom to write the paper anytime of the day (usually the due would be midnight), it was definitely great for the busy ones. Since you took a lot of AP classes so I am sure you are pretty smart and know how to study. USually, science courses may be harder but since you are taking geography and religious studies (i have taken this class online too), it would save you those boring lectures and could study anytime of the day (which is big plus if you have things to do.)

Here is the bad side which is taht you have to be independent and you are timed. Although you could log in anytime of the day, if you don’t hand the assignments or tests on time, you will get 0 on it. So make sure you finish them on time. Also, if you have a materials or questions, professors not emailing you right away could be pain.

My recommendation would be that write down all the due dates on your planner so that you are reminded. Also, you should always keep up with the readings.

Hope this helped. Good luck with classes! 🙂


Dorothy C
I think you will. Generally the online courses are pretty easy-I have taken a few. Of course, ifyou are under stress or just want to be cautious-religious studies sounds like an elective.

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