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What are my chances of my admission into any of these schools?

GPA: 3.95(out of a 4.0 scale) (weighted GPA is >4.5)

President of club at my school (raised >$7500 for nonprofit organization this year)

Volunteer at a medical center for >80 hours so far

Practice a sport (not at school) for >20 hours a week (went to nationals once top ten finish in division)

SAT = 2080 (subject test chem: 730)

possible future career: doctor

location: california

schools not in order of choice:


2. John Hopkins

3. Ivy Leagues

4. Pomona College (Claremont colleges)

5. USC

6. Amherst


8. UCI

7. any other reccomendations

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I would try to retake the SAT. Might want to do higher.

1. UCLA-ok chance

2. John Hopkins-ok chance

3. Ivy Leagues-varies from very low to ok chance

4. Pomona College (Claremont colleges)-good chance

5. USC- good chance especially if you have $$$

6. Amherst- ok chance

7. UCSD- good chance

8. UCI- almost a lock

7. Try University of Illinois, Northwestern, Rice, Michigan- you’d have ok chances.


I would say a great chance for USC, UCSD, UCI and Pomona.

If you live in California which I think you do, you have a much higher chance to getting into UCLA than most…but I have seen someone with a 4.0 get rejected from UCLA and she had SAT’s like yours…so its a hard call but I think you have a good shot. If you are out of state…chance is much harder.

Ivy Leagues – yes depends on which ones, these are all private schools so they wont care if you are in state or not. I think your SAT’s are really strong and so if you write a rockin essay I think you have a great shot at most of these schools


4 years ago
there is somewhat little threat of admission. the clarification is that those faculties do no longer choose to admit scholars who have not shown that they could earn a minimum of a three.0 GPA. it particularly is somewhat no longer likely that a pupil who did no longer earn a three.0 intense college GPA would be waiting to earn college grades adequate to stay on the college, somewhat than being brushed aside for low educational overall performance. it particularly isn’t any longer interior the activity of any pupil to attend a school the place the risk of success is somewhat low. the competition on the named universities is many times against scholars who had GPAs properly above 3.seventy 5.

Um…I’m pretty sure you’ll get anywhere you apply to…however, if you’re a white male than you’re probabl ygonna get screwed over at schools that apply affirmative action.

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