What are my chances of getting into these universities…?
I’ve chose Theater/Business or Advertising as my double-major plan
Want to get in UCLA, USC, NYU, or Berk… any other good theater/academic schools with a pretty prestigious name?
GPA: so far 4.05 average.. but I’m determined to work hard this year and get it up to at least a 4.12
SAT: still working on it.. but so far a 1860.
EC: -Theater (Been in a Shakespeare conservatory at MiraCosta Community College (Actors Academy), done many shows, done voice and diction work, taken voice lessons, feels as if acting is an absolute passion)
-ASB for 1 year at high school as the head of publicity
-Student of the year of 8th grade class
-Drama Club Web Master 06-07, VP 07-08
-in the Internation Thespian Society (ITS)Troupe 3479
Community Service:-Worked at the Christmas Charity Bureau
-Work at local elementary schools performing poetry/Dr. Seuss reads
-Performs school plays for elem schools
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