What are most teachers banning by how their students dress?
Because its gang-related.
What else did some did they banned by clothing?
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The same principle is used in other field of activities, for example, at Daytona Bike Week, it is forbidden to wear colors (identifying crests or other letters that connect you with a group) and violence has been almost totally eliminated.
Also, schools are supposed to be places of education, and dressing is part of education. I would not feel comfortable being operated on by a doctor who wears a t-shirt that says something like: ” Death Squad”
Last year the issue was with the Confederate flag (I live in the South), which then turned into a HUGE issue about what you could and couldn’t say in school regarding races. It all started from some redneck insert-a-colorful-expletive-here guys calling some black student a name.
If I were here teachers I’d make her wear a Hajib!
Your not allowed to wear head bands or anything else on your head either. You’ll get suspended