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What are art history college classes like?

History of Asian Art – A survey covering the history of painting, sculpture and architecture of Japan, China, and India.

Anyone take anything similar?

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I have had 4 art history classes, and I am going on my 5th. They are challenging, a lot to study and memorize, but they are also pretty interesting if you get a good professor. It is a good way to learn how to critique art, learn about different cultures, and not just art history but general history. I would recommend an art history class to anyone.

Gina Day
I took art history in community college – and I dropped it 2 times before finally sticking with it. Not because it was too hard, but it was so freaking B-O-R-I-N-G and I am an art major! The teacher just stood at the front of the class with slides and made you name what you saw. It was horrible. Hopefully you’ll have a better teacher. Good luck.

Hoptoad City
it would probably be pretty cool. You will have to learn artists and be able to identify their styles and paintings. Also you will probably have to do interpretation based on the style and the time period that they were painted and what you think the artist was trying to represent.

art history classes can be pretty easy, yet boring at the same time.

kyle t
easy but very boring would not suggest as an early morning or after lunch class unless you can learn while you sleep

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