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weighing on my mind?

I wonder if i will ever be out of the teaching program. I got an F for the first time in an English course…and that is my major. I just got it this spring semester. I don’t know what to do. It’s always on my mind. I don’t know if I’m happy in this field anymore, but I know that I want to teach. It’s depressing me and I can’t get myself out of this feeling. It’s ruining my relationship with my boyfriend and it’s making me wonder whether I can face going back to school or if it’s even worth trying. Help me

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You are all over the place and that is no good for your confidence. To be a good teacher you must have confidence in yourself before you can inspire it in others in order for them to learn. I teaching is what you want to do then you need to buckle down and prepare yourself to teach. that means learning the material you want to teach. If you got an F it is because you did not study for the test. Forget your relationship unless your boyfriend is rich enough to take care of the both of you in the future. Speaking of future it is yours that you have to keep in mind. Remember why it is that you are studying. You write like an intelligent person so I doubt if it is a matter of you not being able to learn what you must to get good grades. Get you concentration together and go for it lady.

Why did you fail? Did you just not do all the work in the course or did you find the class very difficult? Was this a freshman level college course? How did you find the English classes in High School?

If you just slacked, then that is no reason to give up on teaching English. Just get motivated, take the class over, and aim for an A. However, if you found the class difficult and failed after trying really hard, then I feel that being an English teacher might not be the type of teacher you should aim to be. Honestly, English classes are usually not too difficult for an English major because normally they already have a good grasp of written communication.


College is challenging..There are many times that I wanted to give up but u have to keep going. Find a motivation. Mine was my future child. I always knew that I needed a degree to be able to provide for my family like I had planned. So it was trying, but I stuck it out. I now have a 2 yr old son and have been a teacher for 4 years. Good Luck! You can do it 2!

What do you think the reason was for the F? Bad teacher? Horrible assignments? Were you distracted or unmotivated?

I say teach what you love, do you have other interests?

There are other forms of teaching – coaching, tutoring, training…

You’ll figure something out – just don’t put too much pressure on yourself, because learning is something that is life long.

Best of luck!


Don’t give up! If you know in your heart that teaching is what you want to do, then it is worth it to go back.

Good luck!


if you still love the idea of teaching, you should definitely go back to school and finish your degree so you can start teaching.

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