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Wanting to take Early Child Development at Comm College. How long/How much?

I recently learned that the community college offers early childhood education and Id realy like to be a preschool teacher. How long do I need schooling for and how much will this cost me?


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That is something you need to speak to your Comm College about as well as Local Preschools. Find out what the preschools require their teachers to have. It varies by state and even county for that matter. Some require 12 units of ECE credits (1 full semester), while others require 36 and some even require a degree.

As far as cost goes, you need to speak with your school on that one as every school is different in their fees. When I went to a Comm College it was $12/unit (in Calif) now I think its $17/unit OR MORE, I’m a bit afraid to find out as I remember my books for 15 units costing me over $350 a semester.

If you havent been a student there and you want a degree in ECE then you more than likely have to take general ed classes toward your degree. Mine required 60 gen. ed. credits (each class was 2-4 credits) on top of the ECE coarses.

good luck! I gave up on my dream of being a preschool teacher and opened a stated licensed home child care.


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