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Very confusing Grade 9 algebra problem? Must show work?

The question I am having trouble with is: Find three consecutive intergers such that three times the first, added to the last, is 22.

I know the answer (the answer is 5, 6, 7) however I must show my work and I get stuck there. This is how far I’ve gotten:

Let the three consecutive intergers be x and x and x. The first number times 3 added to the last is x+3x.

x + x + x+3x = 22

6x = 22

6x divided by 6 = 22 divided by 6

x = 3.666…

So I got stuck! I know that I got the wrong answer and I don’t know how to get the right answer. I am doing correspondence so I can’t ask a teacher. Please someone who is good with alegbra tell me how to answer this word problem! Thank you!

Top 8 Answers

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let x be the first integer,

x + 1 is the next integer

and x + 2 is last integer

Now go with the statement in the question.

It says: Find three consecutive intergers such that THREE TIMES THE FIRST, added to THE LAST, is 22″

It does not say anything about the second interger. Only the fist and the last

the fist integer is x. Three times the fist is 3x

the last integer is x + 2

so 3x + x + 2 = 22

4x = 20

x = 5

so the fist integer is 5,

the next integer is 6

the the second next is 7

hope this helps


When you have consecutive integers, you need to add however many numbers thee are away from the first. So therefore your consecutive integers would be x, x+1, and x+2. Then if the last consecutive number is added to 3 times the first the equation would be 3x+(x+2)=22. I hope this helps!

problem:Find three consecutive integers such that three times the first, added to the last, is 22

lets represent each number since we dont know the value of each

1st number=x

2nd number= x+1

3rd number= x+2

so use the representation

three times the first, added to the last, is 22.


then the equation is goin to be..



then it will be




getting the 2 numbers

since we know the value of x already

x+1 or 5+1=6

x+2 or 5+2=7

hope i helpd u


X+3(x+2)=22 x+3x+6+22 4x+6=22 4x=16 x=4 <<4,5,6 >>

. v a l e r i e .
ok. first you can’t you x, x, and x for your consecutive integers.

x will be the first integer. x+1 is the next integer. and x+2 is then last one. you know that 3x + (x+2) = 22. so solve.

3x + (x+2) = 22

now distribute the one into the (x+2).

3x + x + 2 = 22

now subtract the 2.

3x + x =20

now add the x’s.

4x = 20.

now divide.






Hope this helps.


5 years ago
You simply have to get the “like” terms on each side and perform the function. First one: -3(x+2)=-8 You first have to multiply that -3 by whats in the parentheses. Now you have -3x + -6 = -8 Like I said you must have like terms so add 6 to each side (to get ride of the negative six on the left) That leaves you with -3x = -2 You must then get rid of that -3 on the x so divide each side by -3 x=-2/-3 which is 2/3 because negative divided by a negative is positive. So x=2/3 -2+g=7 Again, have alike stuff on same side. Add 2 to each side. g= 9 5a-5=7a-19 Same thing as previous. Add 5 to left side and 5 to right side. 5a=7a-14 And then again with the variable a. Subtract 7a from both sides -2a=-14. Then divide -2 to both sides to get it away from the a. -14/-2 = 7 so a = 7




are the three consecutive integers

3x+(x+2) = 22

or 4x + 2 = 22

4x = 20

x = 5

x+1 = 6

x +2 = 7


x= the first integer

x+1=second integer

x+2=third integer


subtract 2 from both sides


add like terms


divide both sides by 4


you have now found the first integer

now back to our key,




you now have your 3 integers: 5,6,7


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