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URGENT question for paper (easy)?

1)What is the one thing you procrastinate most on?

2)What is your worst habit?

3) What is your greatest pet-peeve?

4)What is your biggest regret in life?

5)What is your greatest accomplishment?

6)What are you proudest of?

7) What is the worst thing you have ever done?

Top 4 Answers
Smooch The Pooch

Favorite Answer

1. any kind of paperwork, bills, checkbook balancing, etc.

2. smoking

3. slow drivers

4. not finishing my bachelor’s degree

5. how far I have come without my bachelor’s degree

6. my home, it’s pretty nice

7. been careless with other’s feelings


1)What is the one thing you procrastinate most on?

Doing dishes

2)What is your worst habit?

Nail biting

3) What is your greatest pet-peeve?


4)What is your biggest regret in life?

Not getting a chance to say goodbye to a dear friend before he died

5)What is your greatest accomplishment?

Raising kids

6)What are you proudest of?

See #5

7) What is the worst thing you have ever done?

Attempted suicide


1. Dishes -Ugh!

2. Biting my nails

3. People who can’t drive!

4. Getting married in high school – too young

5. The daughter I got out of #4

6. Myself, for making ends meet every month and not going grey!

7. Lied to my child


1. Doing laundry

2. Biting my nails

3. People who are always late

4. Not going to college

5. Raising two amazing boys

6. My family

7.Turned my back on a friend


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