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Universities After IB ( International Baccalaureate), University and Subjects.?

This question goes out to post IB students or just students and teachers who could help in my IB decision.

I was wondering about the Math courses. Currently I am enrolled in the Math Studies SL course, it has been 1 year since I entered this course.

But, as time goes, I feel that this course is too easy for me and would like to go up to a Math Methods SL course instead.

Do you think I would be able to catch up with the class. Is Math Methods 100x harder than the Math Studies?

Whats more important, when applying to a University, would the university reduce my chances of being enrolled because i took the easiest Math course. I am planning on heading towards the Business side of studies.


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Ok well I’m going to be a senior next year after doing two years of pre-IB and on year of full IB.

I’m assuming you are also going into your second year of full IB correct? And you want to take Methods instead of Studies.

Firstly, I’m not sure Universities look at studies as the easiest math course. I have no experience from the University perspective as I do not work at a university, obviously, but that’s just my opinion. I mean Studies is an IB course and it is not easy by any means.

I’m a Methods students and I took Math Methods SL 1 my sophmore year and then Math Methods HL 1 this past year. I’m a pretty strong math student but Methods SL was not an easy course. It was not insanely impossible, I still maintained straight A’s in that course, although sometimes it was only by a hair, but hey A’s are A’s. If you are finding Studies easy I would definitely seriously look into switching to Methods. Talk to the Methods teacher and your peers about how hard the course is at your school. I know at my school some IB classes are SO much harder than others, so if that is true at your school too (I’m sure it must be, teachers make so much of a difference) then see where Methods ranks. If it is harder you might not want to go for it, because you will have to catch up.

So if you do take Methods next year it will be Methods 2 right? If it were Methods 1 you wouldn’t need any catching up to do. So talk to the teacher and ask him/her if you think you could catch up.

I don’t know how hard Methods is compared to Studies, I never took Studies, but it wasn’t too hard.

So do your research, about your school and the teacher and all, and make your decision!

I really hope that helped some =]

Good luck! I’m sure you’ll do great =]


4 years ago
hey i think of very almost each and every of the colleges in the States and Canada settle for IB! just to verify pass by using your favorite universities and digital mail them your queries! verify to end your SATs it somewhat is without doubt one in each and every of the main extreme requirement for US unis! wish this facilitates! stable success!

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