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transefering to high school in england?

i live in the US and i would like to spend one year of high school in england. how would i go about doing this? is there a ton of paperwork involved? and which year would be better, my junior or senior year? lastly, would it not be possible because of the fact that england has GCSE’s, not SAT’s?

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thats so cool.

In England, GCSE’s are a two year course. In all honesty, I’d say that it would be a LOT of hassle, especially if your intention would be to return to the USA after.

Student visas would need to be applied for and granted, it could cost a bit, and in general I really don’t know how compatible the two educational systems are.

I’d suggest maybe taking a year out before going to college, and you could spend some time in England then. If you find you like it, you could choose to go to a university there!


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