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To those who go to high school….is it hard?

well….school is coming up, and I’m going to high school. Is hard there? How is it. What kind of tests do you take besides the SAT, CST, CAT/6?

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It is hard, especially coming from a middle school, but it will help you to mature

I’m a senior and it is all how you look at it. Teacher are so much worse than in jr high. they dont take ANY crap. Test are always hard unless you really apply yourself. Do the stupid reading asignments your teacher say because you wont have to work 1/2 as hard on the tests. and drama, thats where it gets complicated. Keep your self out of drama as much as you can. You’ll regret waisting your time on immature stuff. and in a year it wont matter, trust me. Girls that are older than me have always HATED me before they had ever even talked to me! In my freshman year I got made fun of all the time but you gotta realize why these girls are being like that. Its because they know your competition and they don’t want some new girl to out do their rep when they’ve been working for years to get a certain social status. You’ve gotta establish some good friendships with other people that will always have your back. I got made fun of constantly but it was because of jealously! But despite that I had the most amazing year ever because I didn’t let it effect me. You have to just let it go! and enjoy high school because real life is 100% harder than dealing with stupid high school drama. Don’t work yourself up about it. Just relax and you’ll be fine!

Highschool isn’t as hard as people think it is. If you have the right friends, then it is a very enjoyable experience. I’m a senior and my last semester is probably going to be difficult because of my circumstance, but I plan on enjoying it. The tests depend on what state you go to school in.. it’s different everywhere.

im going but my older sibligns went and they say to be loud and get in trouble and dont listen in class and be like popular and be care free and smoke weed

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