To get a English Degree what classes must I take and how long will this take me to complete going half time?
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it depends on the school. get a course catalog from the college you want to go to and see about the requirements. i can’t remember exactly how many hours the English program was, but when i changed my major to English, I think it took me 3 semesters because i had a slack course load much of that time…English is a pretty forgiving major in that there so many classes to choose from. if you hate british romantic lit, chances are you can avoid it altogether. good luck. i’m SO glad that i chose to major in English.
Whatever classes your college list as requirements. Speak with a counseler about that.
As for how long it’d take if you went half time, just multiply the amount of time it usually takes for your degree by 2. (4 years for a 2 year, 8 years for a 4 year, ect.)