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2am Lovesick

Tiny sheep being put in places like on the Eiffel Tower and Lincoln Memorial?

I saw the ending of a clip on Ripley’s Believe it or Not about a guy who makes these little plastic sheep and places them in spots all around the world. I didnt catch the guys name but i was wondering if anyone else has heard of this. Ive tried to look it up but icant find anything on it. HELP?!

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Hide & Sheep

Next time you tour Europe or take a cross-country trip through the heart of Africa, watch out for the sheep! How would a sheep get to the top of the Eiffel Tower or the wilds of the Serengeti? Years ago, James Hartman and his family and friends began placing hand-painted miniature plaster sheep in amazing spots all around the world. It all started when James and his wife began taking the figures on their short trips. Soon, family and friends began taking the sheep with them whenever they traveled, hiding them in such diverse and bizarre places such as the clock tower of Big Ben. Thanks to this family’s strange hobby, these sheep are true citizens of the world!


I saw that years ago at the Chateau Chenanceau in France. They were almost life sized. I do not know the artist or the idea behind it. It could be a French artist. I still have a brochure but it would take me hours to find it.

Someone did something similar lately here were I live. They put a big flock of those pink flamingo lawn ornaments in the front yard of a prominent house. At least that was somewhat amusing.


5 years ago
It takes eleven seconds for YAnswers questions to load for me to be able to click on [add your answer] button. does this mean my laptop is slow??

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