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Time management and school?

I work full time attend school full time and have a 2 year old I know there are plenty of parents out there in this same boat how do you juggle all the time and lack of sleep? I start my day at 5am and I commute to work where I am 7am -4 pm then I have class from 6-10pm and then I go home grab some quick dinner sleep and do this all over again. My partner has the same schedule as well so this leaves our daughter with her grandmother through the week and then the weekends come with mounds upon mounds of homework and a child that we have on the weekends to chase after…..whats the best game plan and any tips are much needed

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I used to go to school full time and work full time as well. I did not, however, have a child at the time so I can’t completely relate to your situation. This is just my suggestion though. Do you pay for child care since her grandmother is watching her? I’m going to assume not since it’s family so that saves money there if my assumption is correct (which is may not be!). You also said that both you and your partner are working full time. I’m not sure of your financial situation, but is there any way that you could cut your work down to part time? Or possibly do some work at home? I commend you on your dedication to work and school, but it’s also important for you to spend time with your daughter.

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