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Thinking about HOMESCHOOLING. I don’t know where to begin. Any information will help.?

I have two 10 yr olds and an 8 yr old. Their father’s work takes him all over the place and they have already been in many different schools. For the past five years we have been going everywhere he goes. Right now, for the first time, he went to a job by himself. This is proving to be much harder than expected for all of us. I know homeschooling would make things much easier for us. We could always go with him and not have to worry about the process of changing schools every time. I am quite scared to do this, but really want to, and think it would really be best for our circumstances. Please…any information will help make this much easier and get us back with Daddy again.

Top 8 Answers

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The beauty of homeschooling is that you can do it however it fits you best. I have friends that traveled the country for a couple years, homeschooling their kids very inexpensively, and it worked wonderfully for them. There are sites that will give you entire curriculum plans for free, you just have to scout out the books at the library or online.

There are other companies that will give you an entire curriculum, all laid out and even scripted – or even on DVD or satellite download – all ready to go. These include Math U See, BJU Press, Abeka, and others.

You can even do unit studies with your kids, and have them do notebooks, lapbooks, projects, field trips, cooking, whatever you want to do. There are TONS of free lesson plans online – just google your subject and “unit study” or “lesson plans”.

There are online schools such as PennFoster or Jubilee Academy, etc. that will do everything for you – your kids communicate with a teacher and do their assignments online.

I personally do the units study route most of the time, but that’s what works best for my son. I really encourage you to try homeschooling; it’s much easier than it looks. One book that really helped me when I started was the Ultimate Homeschooling Handbook by Debra Bell. It had the answers to just about everything, and comes with a CDRom that links you to nearly everything you could want to know…and more 🙂

Good luck!


The first thing I would do would be to look at major homeschooling sites (such as Abeka, Bob Jones University, Sonlight; as well as other sources of homeschooling supplies, Timberdoodle, Rainbow Resource) and figure out what you want to teach. Do you have a lot of time to teach, or will it be limited, workbooks or living books, literature based or online, how much money you have to spend. Once you get started, it will be easier. Currently we are using Christian Liberty Press and Sonlight, and Math-U-See, and we have gone on several missionary trips to Mexico without incident. Also moving around the country makes it wonderful for field trips and museums and living history. You might even wonder why you didn’t start earlier. And be sure to check out for legal questions about homeschooling in every place you move to. And consider Homeschool Tracker for keeping track of your information (the upgrade is a lot easier and better than the free version) at And you can get free books at and free audio book downloads at And feel free to contact me if you want.

Homeschooled kids don’t end up rebelling. Where did anyone get such an idea?

I suppose if you put your mind to it and desire the best for your children, then homeschooling is good.

You just find a curriculum to let your children work with and do your best to teach them. There are always other sources to refer back to if you need help.

I’m homeschooled and love it. That doesn’t mean I don’t do any work and read books all day. It means I work through the summer and sweat beads of sweat over tests. I intend to homeschool my children someday because of the wonderful experience I’ve had and the greatness of being enlightened by a wealth of knowledge.


You did not mention if you were a military family, however families in the military often choose home schooling for the same reasons you mention; we moved often so I can relate.

Home schooling is not tied to a conventional school schedule, and you can travel with each other when needed, or adjust the schedule to have more family time when dad is home, and do more “schooling” when he is not.

This web site may still be of some help to you.

other helpful sites are:


I homeschool and I with Pennfoster. Check it out online at Good luck

5 years ago
Be certain to seem up the homeschooling legislation to your state…each and every state will get to make a decision their schooling legislation, so what works for you in Ohio is gonna difference if you transfer to Georgia or in your friend in Michigan. Local homeschool aid companies are lovely well for this; check out Googling your nearest metro town with the phrases “homeschool aid” to discover a couple of close you. Some locations will desire you to put up your curriculum forward of time for “approval” (ordinarily a formality); different states don’t even require that you just inform them you’re homeschooling, you simply give up going to college sooner or later and that’s that. The subsequent factor to discover is that there is a entire spectrum of what is referred to as “homeschool.” Some persons signal up with a web based variation of public college; that’s relatively technically now not “homeschool,” on the grounds that you are counted as public college scholar and also you’re assigned a trainer, a strict time table, and predetermined workload assigned by way of the college district, and so forth. The Dirty Little Secret this is that the district will get to preserve the federal budget for you, as you’re a public college scholar this fashion. (Quite absolutely, your college district will like this choice great. Often while one queries the college as to the choices to be had for “homeschool,” the college directors will smile sweetly and point out simply such an association, effortlessly omitting the relaxation of your choices. This “lie by way of omission” quietly means that that is the only and handiest method “homeschooling is finished.” There’s a relatively a debate within the homeschooling group approximately whether or not or now not this constitutes an attempt by way of the academic paperwork to redefine the which means of homeschool, and what outcome that could have on laws and legislation of extra conventional homeschool. But I digress.) Thankfully, the rigged recreation is not the one one on the town. Another direction selected by way of a few persons is to shop for components from the curriculum organizations and sign up with on-line faculties, however they are “impartial” of the college districts, and they do not owe someone a darned factor…their experiment rankings (if any; few homeschoolers within the conventional experience are obligated to take state standardized checks) are their possess industry, as is the velocity, order or intensity at which they decide on to move by way of the fabric. Others decide on to mix ‘n match from locations that present a “curriculum-in-a-field.” Caveat Emptor in this one…and it’s going to rely closely on the way you be taught great as as to whether or now not a specified path or package works good for you. Others make a decision to create their possess curriculum, situated on their possess private standards. Some states desire you to preserve a portfolio of fabric to end up you are doing anything there at dwelling (makes for a satisfactory portfolio to show in to varsities for admissions!), different states desire you to put up your curriculum for the yr for approval, others might require checking out that might ship you again to public or personal college when you fall under a specified percentile…simply in case. Again, relies on the state. Still different persons advocate what they name “unschooling,” and so they throw out the entire textbooks and checks altogether and easily comply with what pursuits them in a extra holistic method. (See the writings of John Holt, or Google “unschooling” for extra on that conception of schooling.) A well publication at the discipline is “The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education,” by way of Grace Llewellyn. Here’s an excerpt: “Did your steering counselor ever inform you to remember quitting college? That you will have different offerings, relatively past lifelong hamburger flipping or internal-town crack dealing? That legally you’ll discover some way out of college, that when you are out you can be taught and develop bigger, quicker, and extra evidently than you ever did in college, that there are zillions of possible choices, that you’ll stop college and nonetheless pass to A Good College and actually have a Real Life within the Suburbs when you so want? Just if your counselor by no means advised you those matters, I’m going to. That’s what this publication is for.” Even when you don’t preserve with what the writer has to mention, the factor of view she has is dramatically exclusive and generally is a satisfactory springboard to support you get in contact with what you think college and studying must be like. The publication additionally outlines an overly fine reference for curriculum, as good as chapters approximately handling your college, convincing your mother and father, and getting a social lifestyles. There’s a additionally a colossal segment on interviews with institution admissions officials, and what they see as execs and cons after they’re watching at a homeschooled scholar’s program. It’s intended to be an overly usable publication.

I want to know more about home schooling myself. I am totally clueless. Sorry!

home schooled kids always end up rebelling…

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