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Thesis Statement help?

I was woundering if this is a good thesis statement. The subject of the paper is “Are you for or against needle exchange program”. The thesis is “Drug users dont belong in our citys, so we should not encourage them to stay with this needle exchange program.”

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Sorry, that isn’t enough to write an entire essay about it. Try something like this:

The needle exchange program is not a good idea because it encourages drug users to continue using drugs, _____, and _____ (3 ideas). Then, write an into, a paragraph on each reason you give, and a conclusion that sums it all up. You’ll get a good grade on that. 🙂


Drug users are here in our cities. They aren’t going away soon. The needle exchange program could possibly waste money because the drug users would find a way to circumvent the program. Better use in funding counseling for drug users so they find a way to deal with reality.

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