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the future trends of teaching & learning: a focus on the mathematics classroom?

the future trends of teaching & learning: a focus on the mathematics classroom?

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I hope that it gets more rigorous, more tracked and the teachers are becoming more knowledgeable in math. I was very frustrated throughout my education because I was always the top math students, which equates to getting left out because I already knew everything.

At the high school level I also had teachers that would ask questions but wouldn’t pay attention to the details. Like one would have a tornado path hitting a rectangular county and she would ask what’s the probability that the tornado hits a given square mile. That problem’s impossible! I still don’t know how to solve it. She divided the area of the tornado path by the area of the county, which is the probability of it hitting a given point. Then when I told her that she insulted me. I wish I had been better about articulating things nicely, but man that was a frustrating teacher. That situation repeated several times in the year.

I wish I could have just been handed a book on calculus or abstract algebra or abstract geometry. At least then I would have had a challenge and I wouldn’t have taken up a lot of time, I would have just did my work and learned some more difficult math.


4 years ago
For me, examining math for the excitement of getting to grasp has had a non secular area. many circumstances in the historic previous of math, men and females persons have come for the time of mathematical recommendations that have been, on the time, possible self sustaining of any specific “regulation of nature”. Later, discoveries on the subject of the relational nature of this or that actual sources that had discovered a house in a in the previous got here across mathematical context. So, for me, math is the place our mind’s eye, rationality, and the author’s magic converge.

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