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The Cost of going to Bond University (AU)?

I attend what is thought to be a relatively expensive private college in America and the cost per class is about $800.00. I am very much wanting to go to Bond University in Gold Coast, AU this coming semester, but when I attempt to look at the tuition fees, it appears as though it’s saying it’s somewhere in the range of $3,000.00 per class. I wanted to ask if anyone here knows if that information is correct, because it seems so outlandish that I’m thinking I must be reading it wrong. Maybe what it’s saying is that it is $3,000.00 per SEMESTER, but the way I’m reading it, it appears to say it’s $3,000 per class. Again, that seems so rediculously high, I’m very much hoping I’m wrong. Can anyone shed some light to me about how much it is per class or semester at Bond University in Australia?

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Well… if what you meant by AUD$3,000 per class is per subject/unit, then you are right. This means that the typical tuition fee per semester is AUD$12,000 (full-time study comprised of 4 subjects per semester).

Unfortunately, as you may be aware, b’cos it is a private uni, so they rely on students’ money to fund itself. However, if you meet a Bond Uni’s marketing staff, they will tell you that what you pay extra in tuition fee, you’ll safe in living cost, since there are 3 semesters in a year at Bond uni, compared with only 2 semester/year in most Australian universities. This means, for example, a typical Bachelor of Business (24 subjects, 6 semesters) course which usually takes 3yrs to finish in most Australian universities, takes only 2yrs in Bond University (saving 1yr worth of living expenses).

Hope this helps. Good luck on your study and welcome to Australia 🙂


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