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thank you letter after interview?

I had an interview for 7th grade math teaching position yesterday. I need to write a thank -you letter immidiately. My second language is english so I am afreaid to do mistakes. Please help me to write a short letter. I outlined what impressed me about the school.

– technology and labs available for students

-students demonstrate what they learn to the strangers in spring

– they want the teacher integrate multidisplines such as history, math and science. That is what I want to do in my classroom.

-team working

I really want this much. Please help me for a short thank you letter.

Thanks in advance

Top 7 Answers
Becca M

Favorite Answer

E-mail me at [email protected] and I will put one together for you.

I think it is great that the students will have a teacher that speaks English as a second language. They need to be aware about other cultures, as well as respect them. Just use to help with the spelling.

This letter is needed, but trust yourself. Your question was posed in better form than most of our board members can do and it will reflect your interviewers experience with you..

What you want to do is a nice idea, but you should be aware it is not normal practice. If they wanted you, you would have been offered the job. I would walk away with my held still held high I think! Good luck x

if you can`t write a letter on your own you don`t need to be a teacher.

sorry that`s how i feel


Look it up on google and you will find some.

well according to this I want to know how you qualified to be a teacher at all………

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