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Tell me what you think of this quote “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.”?

How do you think it represents society, standards, or how does it relate to you personally ? I really love this quote, and it would be great if I knew who said it.

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Booker T Washington 1856

I think it really limits the potential for excellence, but it was certainly true for Booker!


this quote is from Booker T Washington.

I think the spirit of the quote is great but it is not always true.

Getting dressed in the shower would be doing something common in an uncommon way but I wouldn’t necessarily say it was excellence.


I think its very true.

When you think about it, people who excel don’t do more or different things from others, they just do it differently in a better, more efficient way.

People don’t set their standards or excellence at who can use more things everyday ways, but at who can use more ways to do everyday things.

Great quote, and I looked it up, it was said by Booker T Washington.



The quote leaves too much open with the word uncommon.

Fritz Milan
To think, as they say, “outside the box”.

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