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Tell me a quotation thats always stayed in your mind…and why?

Tell me a quotation thats always stayed in your mind…and why?

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“You´re falling into the error that my life is under any kind of control.” ~ Terry Pratchett

It´s true – I feel like that at times. And it´s witty. Terry Pratchett is my favourite author forever…. 🙂

Or, wait, here´s another one… Slightly modified Descartes.

“Rideo, ergo sum” (= I laugh, therefore I am [as in “I exist”] )

There´s no point in living if you can´t enjoy it at times.


stay^influence+bollywood gal
I always wanted a happy ending… Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity.

Gilda Radner

i love this quote because its so true

in my opinion or thaught it means u dont know whats gonna happen next but what the hell?? though it also has other meanings too


Well, it hasn’t always stayed in my mind, but since June 28th, it’s pretty much been there.

“Impossible is a matter of opinion- not a fact”

I love this quote. It is so real to me. You should never underestimate the impossible. I was diagnosed with a DVT on July 2nd and I had read a story with that quote on the 28th. It has stayed with me ever since then. At first I thought It was impossible to ever have my same life and accomplish anything. I was down on myself because of this illness and falling into depression. Then I thought of this quote and it gave me faith and hope that I would have a normal life. Some way it empowered me to know that this DVT isn’t going to bring me down, because I would have to fight my way through it and I have hopes that i’m going to come out on top.


*What you feed will grow and what you starve will die*

I find this quotation to be relevent in all aspects of life. It can be taken literally, for example if you don’t water your plants they will die. Or this quotation can be applied to your relationships in life. It’s a good way to keep in mind that you have to put effort into the things that are most important to you.

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“You are a child of the universe,

no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

from Max Ehrmann’s “Desiderata”

I love it because it reminds me that I have a place, I have worth, and that I can’t control the universe, I just gotta let the things I can’t control happen and deal with them the best I can.

P.S. The rest of it is amazing too, just too long to post. Check it out!


ReeRee L’achelle
“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.” – Unknown

This quote was engraved in an inspirational rock that was given to me by a mentor. It stays with me because it reminds me to take my work seriously, whether it’s business or personal. It also keeps me motivated whenever I start to feel useless at my job.


rome was not built by having meetings. is was built by conquering all those that stood in their way.

I dont know who said it, but in the working world it seems there are just a few too many dumb *** meetings. if i hear another acronym for some useless H.R. concept that some sissy thinks will improve company morale I’m going to feed myself to the lions.


My dear Irish grandmother (I called her Mom) used to say “When first you practice to deceive, what a tangled web you weave”. She was referring to how lying can really get you in a real tangle of lies to keep up with the first lie. She was big on truth and instilled that in me too. Life is so much nicer when you don’t lie. (I still remember the lessons Mom, may you rest in peace.)

I have always been taught that you should know what you are talking about ‘before’ you speak. I learned this saying very young.

“It is better to just be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”



I had a friend from Bulgaria. Bulgarians have a saying for everything. My personal favorite is, “Peeing feels half as good as a f*ck, but peeing twice does not feel as good as a f*ck.” It pretty much speaks for itself, I think.

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