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Teaching Textbooks PRE Calclus With Saxons Calculus?

If I use Teaching textbooks; algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, and pre calculus, will I be prepared enough to do saxons calclulus course?

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Math is math and math textbooks from 50 years ago are outstanding and very inexpensive. Stay away from math textbooks used in public schools. They suck to high heaven.

All old and most modern math textbooks are written very well. To learn you just need to follow and understand the examples and then work some of the problems. You can skip the most difficult problems. Do not memorize. You need to understand so you can make up your own rules which, if you can follow and understand and the examples, will be the correct rules.

This is the progression. Algebra 1, plane geometry, algebra 2, college algebra, and trigonometry. In each of the courses, you can skip some of the more difficult material. If the math books are 50 years old or good modern math books and you could work the problems, you are then well prepared for analytic geometry and calculus in college. You don’t any pre-calculus courses.


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Teaching Textbooks Calculus

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Teaching Textbooks PRE Calclus With Saxons Calculus?
If I use Teaching textbooks; algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, and pre calculus, will I be prepared enough to do saxons calclulus course?


Thrice Blessed
This is one Teaching Textbook question I am not sure about. Perhaps comparing Saxon’s placement test for the Calculus book with Teaching Textbook’s lessons might reveal more info. I would think that taking a Pre-Calculus course from an excellent program like teaching Textbook would prepare you for Saxon Calculus. I have also heard rumor that Teaching Textbook plans to put out a Calculus course.

I have never used Teaching textbooks, I have only watched their demo; Saxon has a different set up.

I know of a few families who use Teaching Textbooks, and they are very pleased with the results.

We use Saxon from Saxon 3 on up, if you have any trouble with changing from one program to another simply start out with Saxon Advanced Mathematics before moving on to the Calculus program.

The Advanced Mathematic course combines advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry, discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis, and Euclidian geometry

Saxons Calculus has what would be considered Advanced Placement Calculus; we have never used the Calculus course so I could not give you any idea as to what to expect there.

Good luck, both programs are excellent.


5 years ago
You could try pre-calc for dummies. It’s real…I just got it from the library lol

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