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Teaching my first ESL one on one class- HELP!!!?

Im teaching a private lesson on Monday and i have never done one before. Can any1 with experience in doing these lessons please give me advice on warmers and things to do in some lessons?

The student is a russian lady, she is taking classes during the day with other teachers and then taking these with me in the afternoons.

Any advice would be appreciated Thanks!!

Top 5 Answers

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If you are able to work online with her, you could try, and for printable things, allows you to print out worksheets on a variety of grammar topics in the “ESL Teacher Resources” area. It also has more information that might be helpful.

My best advice to you would be to continue being your kind self and encourage her. She sounds like she is really trying hard to learn. I cannot imagine the difficulty of trying to learn Russian which is one of the hardest languages to learn.

Just ask her the simple basic questions.

What do you like to eat, wear, etc. and teach her more conversational English. Once you gain her trust, she will get better and better.

You will probably do quite well since it is a private lesson.


Your first step is to figure out where she stands. This can be done by asking her a series of simple questions such as, “Where do you live?” “What color shirt am I wearing?” and so on. Depending on how she answers, you’ll have to work out a plan. She may be a beginner, intermediate or in-between. After this, choose an appropriate ESL text book.

4 years ago
English is an evolving language. each year, new words are greater effective to the language. by ability of examining despite of the historic previous of the language, scholars can (in some situations) income understanding of to deduce the which ability of a word from its roots.

I’ve never taught adult ESL, but have you checked out – it has a lot of ESL info & resources.

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