teachers!! tutor question!?
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It is an excellent way to get your feet wet, especially while waiting to grow a student customer base.
House-to-House the pay is GREAT! You can tutor the way you see fit. However, you can get stuck with chatty parents for an hour after the session. For that reason, I would usually end 10 minutes early and use the time to address parent questions and show progress, etc. You need to have some prepared remedial material and then move on to helping with their homework.
Advertise word of mouth to teachers and friends. One student will lead to 20, quickly.
1. Contact counselors in local schools.
2. Put up fliers in supermarkets, laundromats, library bulletin boards.
3. Find out if there are community centers or libraries that offer facilities or programs for tutoring.
4. Take out an advertisement in a local newspaper–for cheaper rates, look for weeklies or all-ad papers.
5. Put fliers on phone poles.
6. Stand outside the school during parents’ night and pass out fliers to all the adults that pass.
7. Stuff fliers into faculty mailboxes (get permission from the principal first).
8. Make several 15 minute public-access cable programs that present lessons in your subject(s), and let the cable company show them on public access channels.
9. Wear a t-shirt custom-printed that says “Tutor for Hire!”
10. Go to sites that allow you to post free ads.
As an “in-person” tutor, you can charge a higher rate but you are restricted to specific area – smaller market of potential students. If you tutor online, the rate is lower but you can have a worldwide market of potential students. Try sites like:
(1) http://www.tuitionplaza.com/tutoring/
(2) http://www.tutor.com
(3) … many other sites (use search engine – Good luck!)
Hope this helps you.
House-to-house is very risky for far too many reasons for me to type.