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Teachers, suggestions for computer classes?

I`ve just got a teaching position for computer classes, pre school to High School. Any links or suggestions? It is a new perspective professionally and I want to do it nice. Thanks a lot.


Top 5 Answers

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Talk to the classroom teachers you’ll be working with and see if you can integrate anything they are doing in the classroom into the computer lab. Are they going to be working on writing projects? Maybe they can create graphic organizers in Inspiration or Kidspiration for the prewriting stage. Or they can draft, edit, revise, and publish their writing on the computer. They can do research on the internet for science and social studies topics.

5 years ago
Once you know your most reliable students, have one or more of them meet you at the previous room door. They will be considered on time and can help you transport what you need to your next class room. The previous answers are pretty clear about your need to not make waves if you want a job next year. If it makes you feel any better, I have known tenured teachers with years of experience also having to do what you are doing. In many cases, the teacher is expected to be the most flexible of any staff member in the field of education. When I didn’t have a room for a prep period, I went to the district office board room to correct papers, etc. because it happened to be a few steps away from the school. The administration caught on quickly at how difficult it was to not have your own room in which to prepare. If your school has a computer lab, then the computer teacher might make a computer available to you or the school could furnish you with a laptop. You might even ask parents for a donation of a laptop when someone upgrades their family computer? You do have my utmost sympathy and from what you have written, you will probably make the most out of the situation which should be apparent to your supervisors when it comes time to retain you next school year.

Very young children (or inexperienced students) will simply need to learn to navigate the computer (power on/off, save/copy, open/close programs, etc.) Try having young students publish their own books using a word processing program (Word) and illustrator (i.e. Pixie or KidPix) ~ or whatever you have available.

Older students will need to know how to navigate the internet, cite references appropriately, determine what information on the internet is accurate and what is just a bunch of misinformed garbage, write research papers, and how to use common everyday applications (Microsoft Office).

Typing skills are important.

Something very useful and nice to learn for the older student is how to build a website using a packaged program such as Dreamweaver.

Also, do a Goggle search on “web quests” – those are fantastic ways for students young and old to get computer experience.

…and as someone else mentioned, talk to their teachers…what you teach should be relevant to the curriculum and what the students are currently learning.


Murry0117 has it right, and unfortunately I did not have good aim when I tried to give her a thumbs up – my deepest apologies. She has really good ideas.

Yes, just as she said, talk to the classroom teachers regarding curriculum – but the best thing you can teach them is how to find & use info on the web and use the internet and how to use basic microsoft software: Word, Power Point, & Excel.


Sayan M
DO 7th grade,

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