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Daniel C

Taking Down Notes in University?

Do professors write down notes on the board?

Top 7 Answers

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all math teachers do. some philosophy teachers do, some do power points. power points are the standard for lectures. some just talk and show videos. those classes you have to pick and choose what is essential, but they usually give a good study guide or tell you when to write something down or repeat/emphasize certain phrases and words to key you in that “this needs to be known”.

if you’re worried about having all the information don’t be. they teach the books in college, more or less, at least for bio, psy, eng, and so on. if you read the book before class (not literally before class) then you’ll do fine with the content. don’t gloss over the book too, actually read it, get into it. make sure that you get what each paragraph is saying before moving on, it will definitely payout in the end when you are well versed for your career.


Barry T
Sometimes, they write on the board. Some use acetates which you can buy either before term starts or before each class.

But each professor is different and it’s really up to you to write notes that will help you to understand the subject matter.


it depends on the courses. Some professors will just show powerpoints and then post them on blackboard. Most professors tend to just regurgatate the reading and may write a few things on the board.

It depends on the professor. I remember one that I had for American History I in a community college who gave me permission to tape record his lectures when I asked. But he was very casual about many things including that he allowed us to call him by his first name even though he had a PH.D. and had the right be called Doctor so and so. He was very popular, and easy to learn from as well.

4 years ago
I have been given a pill.. i rapidly after have been given a working laptop or computer… my pill fairly couldnt do subject concerns i mandatory it to do… Its extreme high quality to have at living house now and returned even with the shown fact that… yet no longer rather well worth college notes in my view.

Mine didn’t. Some didn’t even allow the lectures to be recorded.

depends on how nice they are. i had one who lectured for 2 hours solid and gave us no visual aids – but i preferred that.

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