supplys i need for high school?
im starting high school and i dont know what supplys i will need
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supplies are so over rated in middle school. every year my parents go by the list and buy $100 worth of stuff just to be thrown away at the end of the year. for high school however we did not get a list. I usually just wait till the last week when everything is without tax and go buy like paper, some folders ( 3 rings) notebooks just normal stuff that can be used to write on.
no more then $20
of course if your taking Algebra 2 or geo like I did you are probably going to need a graphing calculator but wait for the professor to tell you to buy it.
i agree with ^^^ it’s funny they would give you a list when you really end up throwing away most of the stuff. what i usually do is buy college ruled paper, spirals (notebooks), mechanical pencils, black and red pen, a couple of folders. then when school starts take that, then wait till the end of the week because your teachers are going to ask you to bring something specific. then at the end of the week go shopping for the things you really need!
Accordion folders are also a great way to save time and money and get organized. Paper and maybe a binder and pencils is all you’ll really need.
Buy the basics.
Notebook paper (Lots of it!)
Those cheap spiral notebooks that you can tear the paper out neatly.
You have to wait till you meet your teachers, they will tell you what you will need specifically.