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stupid questions that you’ve seen on tests?

i learned how to make clam chowder from the MCAS! lol (state test)

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on a CPR test the question was what do you do if someone is having a seizure

a) give them some sugar

b) put your fingers in their mouth

c) clear objects away from them so they dont hurt themselves

d) lay on top of them

lol if you dont know the answer to this its pretty bad


On a humanities test I was asked:

What was Spiderman’s best attribute?

His Suit

His Abilities

His girl

All of the above

My professor claimed the answer was all of the above and if you didn’t know, you deserved to lose out on the two points!

I have a son…I got mine : )


This was on a microeconomics exam my sophomore year in college. The prof has a very good sense of humor.

True or False. The average grade on this exam will be an 82.

The average was actually an 82. I got it wrong.


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