study tips pls…?
omg i need study tips im an f student n i need help badly!!!
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just pay close attention in class, sit in the front row. do all your assignments and read any necessary chapters in your textbooks. A good idea is to read the chapter that will be discussed in class the next day the day before so you have the information already in your head. Then listen to the teacher lecture and take notes. Good luck!!
First of all, make sure you do all your homework. If you don’t understand it ASK. Homework is practice for tests. Second, make sure you are taking notes in class. For one, it gives you information to study. For another, it helps you to focus instead of day-dreaming. If there is anything covered in class that you don’t understand ASK. When you study, study in twenty-minute intervals then take a break before going back at it. Your brain starts to get bored and drifts if you try to study longer. Space your studying out for a week before the test. Use flash cards to study key vocabulary. Review your notes. Ask yourself questions and see if you can answer them. Get a study buddy to ask you questions as well.