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Student loans?

I’m thinking about taking out a student loan but I’m not sure which one to get. There are lots of companies that offer student loans but of course I wanna be sure to get a good one and most importantly I don’t wanna end up with a scam or something like that. So if anyone has experiences with a student loan, please help! :o)

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Here are the steps you need to take:

1) Fill out the FAFSA. This will determine if you are eligible for financial aid. Go here:

2) Once you are eligible for aid, choose a government-based student loan. The best loan to get is a Federal Perkins Loan. These have low interest rates and the government will help you pay it back as long as you stay enrolled in school. For more info go here:

3) The next best loan to get is a Subsidized Stafford Loan. This has many of the same benefits as a Perkins Loan. Learn more here:

4) You can also try to get a grant or scholarship, which is free money that you won’t have to pay back. Look here: Home

Good luck!


well, i m taking student loan. Try this web This largest money lender company. Even, my loan is from this company. Try to take the loan which gives you payment option. Like i have a loan and agreed to pay all the money after i finished my college. So until i finished my college government will pay the interest.

Perkin Loan is really good. But they dont give big money. But better than nothing.

Check out with you school financial office. They will tell you which loan to take and they will give you detail of when to pay and how to pay. They will explain everything.

Good Luck.


If you are an American you should complete the FAFSA form and try to get a subsidized loan or grant. The loan will have deferred payments until you are out of school. Grant money does not have to be repaid. You can find the form at the link below…

Talk to your school financial advisor, he/she would suggest you which is the best loan.

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