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“Straw that broke the camel’s back” ?

What does it mean?

Top 9 Answers
Lisa I

Favorite Answer

Camels can carry heaps of weight, but if it has heaps of weight on it already, all it would need is a small breeze or a piece of straw to put it over the edge…. which is why people use that saying to describe someone who is or has just been under a lot of pressure and suddenly tipped over the edge, etc.

Call Me Babs
As we all know, a camel can carry a heavy load, but sometimes even for a camel the load can be too much. And so, even though a snip of straw is feather light, that “one more thing” on the camel’s back broke it.

it means that it took one small thing to break the person. For example…a person has had to deal with a sick child, lot’s of washing, a toddler throwing a tantrum, and the dog barking. Next thing an older child spills a drink of water. Not a big deal in itself but when added to all the other things the mother bursts into tears. It was the strw that broke the camels back (not calling mothers camels but as a mum it was the best way I could explain it)

joe the man
it comes from an old parable about a man who loaded his came with lots of merchandise and the camel managed to carry it, but once the guy put on an extra piece of straw the accumulated weight was too much and he collapsed.

the man said “what a weak camel, a single piece of straw broke its back”.


4 years ago
not likely. I see no possibility the Republicans are going to p.c.. up 10+ Senate seats and 40+ domicile seats interior the November elections. lots extra probable than not it will be a typical mid term election wherein the party interior the White domicile will lose some seats. Democrats would lose 2 to 3 Senate seats and probably 10 finished domicile seats on the main. What the Republicans are ignoring is that particular each and every physique is uninterested with the incumbents yet that works the two procedures. those seats I see the Democrats dropping possibly not be all crammed with Republicans. we could see some Tea Partiers, Libertarians, or others taking those seats.

Lula Belle
Means that all these things have been placed upon the camel’s back and has worn it down, and finally, even though it’s something so small, a piece of straw is what breaks it’s back.

In other words, you deal whit a heap of sh#t, and then something insignificant and small is what will make you blow your top




ucla bruin fan!
mean the question that made the genius dumb

…. wat a horny camel

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