Should I use capital letters for terms of direction? North, South East & West have caps, what about southwest?
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* up in the North
* the South shall rise again
* in the East
* in the West
Then these are capitalized.
When you talk about general directions
* go north on First Street
* located south of the river
* head east on the highway
* go west or southeast
* the southwest side of the city
These are not capitalized.
Should I use capital letters for terms of direction? North, South East & West have caps, what about southwest?
Unless you are referring to a region lying in the southwest of a country, eg. mountains in the Southwest corner of the Philipines. And if you are in the US of A, the Southwest is a region of the southwest United States generally including New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California, and Nevada and sometimes Utah and Colorado.
If you are referring to a specific area, then you capitalize: “The South lost the Civil War.”
If you are simply using the words in a sentence, and not to represent a specific area, you don’t need to capitalize: “We got lost, and ended up turning east when we should have turned south.”
It is the same for all compass directions:
“He applied for a job in the Southwest because he likes the sun.”
“The map says to turn SW after the crossroads.”
“I think we should have taken that road that went southwest back there.”
& southwest