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School supplies for high school?

What school supplies should I buy?

I am taking French 2, Fashion Marketing, English, History, Chemistry, Dance 2, Geometry.

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Also get a 12″ ruler to keep in your math binder, one of those one-page hole punchers that also snap in a binder, and a packet of colored pencils – 12 or 16 colors. A glue stick or two. (These things are often supplied in the classroom, but if you have your own you can control what condition they’re in by the time they get to you.) A small spiral notebook for your daily assignments. A pad of graph paper for geometry.

NOTE – Some schools will not permit you to use Sharpies, White-Out liquids or other permanent ink pens and markers, because many kids will use them for tagging school property. Don’t bother getting any of these until you know your school’s policy. White-Out Tape is usually fine.


To add on to what everyone else said, you should also purchase flashcards. Those are come in handy when you need to memorize vocab. words in French and to remember anything else in other subjects.

fashion marketing? wow, i want to be at ur school lol. im going into 12th grade…….mmm………ur school should be sending out a list soon, but if they dont, just buy binders, college rule paper, pencils, pens, etc. sometimes they also wait til the first day to tell u wat to get.

pencils, pens, paper, folders, binders, etc.

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