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registered nurses out there help please?

im a graduate of bs in nursing, fresh grad just this april here in the philippines. im really confused about whats next since im gonna work abroad. wat i know is i need to take the NCLEX what im not sure of is that do i have to pass the local board exam here in the philippines for me to be able to work abroad? or i can disregard it and directly take the nclex, pass it and work abroad? does hospitals abroad or the states require you to pass the local board in my country before you go to there hospitals? and any tips wat to do? where to go? and the highest possible salary a registered nurse could get. and one thing more does o.r nurses get a good high pay?

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I just wish I could of dated the nurses that took care of me after I got out. Stupid ethical bs 🙁

Monte T
You will need to pass the NCLEX and apply for a common license to practice in the U.S.

What i do is hospice nursing and you take care of older people and make them comfortable!

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