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really easy geography question…… eeezy peeeezy =D?

heyys people! so…..

Deforestation is used to create land for farming. What are the negative impacts of this human change?

thnx!!! =D

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lower rainfall; lower water yields from springs and streams; major floods; extreme sedimentation and hence the chocking of reservoirs and irrigation canals, etc.

Deforestation is also commonly used in second and third world countries as a technique to clear land very quickly. It’s often used in rainforest areas by farmers who don’t know (or don’t care) about the ecological consequences. When they clear this land, they don’t care for or protect the soil at all – they remove all of the vegetation that naturally does this and then plant crops that strip it of the nutrients within a few years. (I believe this is called strip and burn? Something like that.) When their crops stop producing because the land is no longer fertile, they go to the next section of rainforest, deforest it quickly, and begin again.

Unfortunately, the sections that they’ve deforested take years to grow back; not only do the many necessary layers not grow quickly enough to begin with, but because they’ve completely stripped the land of all other vegetation and nutrients, the layers take even longer.

Some of the negative impacts of this are:

Loss of habitat for animals that are necessary to the ecostructure

Upset in the climate

Lack of vegetation to absorb CO2 and emit oxygen

As well as other impacts stated above.


5 years ago

deforestation is mainly due to progressive industralism and modernization; the wood that they cut are used for commercial purposes. meanwhile, industrialism forces the agricultural sector of societies to search for new land because their industrial lands are used for building new infrastructures, thus forcing them to try and make a living out of these “deforested” lands. depending on the setting, the effects of deforestation can go from bad to worse to worst; however, it would definitely distort the balance in nature. if the forest is near a place where rain is common, deforestation could give way to floods, and eventually, destruction of communities. forests near slightly urbanized areas protect the place from air pollution, therefore the cutting down of trees there could be the cause of sickness and death in that locale.


results in topsoil being washed away during heavy downpours, leading to soil erosion. soil erosion removes nutrients from the land.

deforestation also destroys the natural habitat of plants animals=possible extinction

deforestation also causes an increase in carbon dioxide, because there are less trees to absorb carbon dioxide

deforestation on a large scale also causes climate change, because there are less trees to perform transpiration, and hence the atmosphere becomes drier.


Deforestation can cause landslides in sloped places where there are very few trees to hold the soil. It can also cause flooding, since there are no trees to absorb water.

Something like that, I guess.


Loss of natural plant life

Destruction of natural habitat for animals

Reduction in oxygen output from forest

Change in water table

Possible top soil erosion


all the lil chipmunks and squirrels might end up homeless!!

think hard and it’s easy enough to see.

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