Quoting only half of a sentence…?
If I took half a sentence, is there a proper way to end it (without a period for example)?
So for e.g., This is the sentence I want to quote it has very important stuff in it.
The part I’m quoting, “This is the sentence I want to quote”
Would I have to leave it without a period or anything to close it off? Or should I use ‘…’ maybe?
Thanks, I’m not sure I’m asking it right.
Top 6 Answers
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I use the ‘…’ it works for me
If you want to quote only part of a sentence or passage, you must put the elipsis at the end of the quote, the part you leave out. ” This is the sentence I want to quote[…].” Like that. Be careful when you do that, you don’t want to take the sentence out of context.
If you plan to use only part of a quote, the best way to cite the quote would be:
at the beginning, use leading periods after the quotation mark,
at the end, use closing periods before the quotation mark.
e.g. “…quoth the raven nevermore”
“quoth the raven…”
Wow, i forgot all my grammar rules. I want to say … abridges and ends in the place of unquoted words, but your best bet if there is a grade for it is to get on wikipedia. I wouldn’t trust an academic score on us yahoo’s.
“This is the sentence I want to quote […].” You can omit the brackets, depending on the style.
just leave it like that