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Questions Regarding Statistics and Chi-Score Table – Help Appreciated. Must understand by tomorrow!?

Hi, I have this problem for my statistics class and I can’t figure it out. I have the answer, but I don’t understand. If you can help, that would be awesome!! All my work is due tomorrow so I’m trying to finish before then.

Here is the problem:

A random sample of n = 17 observations is selected from a normal population to test the null hypothesis that o = 25. Specify the rejection region for each alternative hypothesis with alpha = .1

What is the rejection region for Ha : o^2 < 25 ? X ^2 < _________ What is the rejection region for Ha: o^2 > 25?

X^2 > ________

What is the rejection region for Ha: o^2 NOT EQUAL TO 25?

X^2 > _______ or X ^2 > _______

Here is what I did:

n-1 = 16

alpha = .1

I looked at the Chi Square Table based on this info and found 23.5418.

What is the process for answering the questions with that info?

Thank you so much!

10 points for Best Answer!

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I don’t know whether it’s a typo, or whether I’m not understanding the notation you’re using, but I notice that the problem is talking about null hypothesis about “o” and that all the questions are talking about “o-squared.” If that is actually what it is supposed to be, then I doubt the answer is as simple as what you did. But unfortunately, I really don’t recognize this type of problem. Sorry I can’t give you more help than this…

5 years ago
Great question Judomofo. I do believe many techniques were hidden. Now many of those techniques are lost because no one knows what they are today. Some of them have been passed down while other were forgotten. Today it leave for private interpretations. There are 1001 possibilities within any kata. Much like when you are working on self defense techniques separate from your kata. How many ways can you block a punch? How many different ways can you counter attack? How many way can you finish off the attacker? How many ways can you control the attacker or use them as a shield if there are multiple attackers? How do I respond to an attack without leaving myself open to a counter attack? As we can see it is an endless amount of possibilities. I believe something were taught by the old masters many years into a karateka studies. Some never completed the training and never learned. Some were never taught because the old masters past away without teaching them. The knowledge was left that there were hidden techniques. This left other with private interpretations. This also left other not teaching the art correctly simply because they do not know. Hence a kata being a dance for lack of a better term. Like Shihan J said the kata is your style. Id a person knows the style Shorin Ryu, they would know that the styles is made up of joint locks and pressure point strikes. It is very little kicking. The kicks are low kicks. But I dare you to go into most shorin ryu schools and you will find students practicing high kicks and jumping spinning kicks. Hmmmm. Many of those student will not be able to execute a simple wrist lock let alone a bent arm lock. I don’t even need to mention a reverse bent arm lock

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