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Questions about universities in the UK?

I am from the USA and am planning to apply to at least 6 schools in the UK using the UCAS form. =]

IN ADDITION, I got some information from one school that I can use the equivalency like GPA and SAT scores to apply to the schools – instead of GCSE’s, etc.

I want to know however, is it the same in every school in the UK?

Should I take all tests available like, SAT I, SAT II, and ACTs?


By the way, the school I got this info from was Cardiff University.

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Yes, You need to take SATs just like as you would to any school in the US. However, AP tests will have much more weight on an application than they would here.

British schools are more objective and focus on academic credentials….. this means that there are no personal statements on essays and extracurriculars don’t count. GPA, courseload, class rank, and test scores are what get you admitted.

English schools tend to accept few American high schoolers. American high schools have a more broad and liberal arts focus while British schools force you to find a path early. If you’re going to try for Oxford or Cambridge- don’t count on it. Both have lower acceptance rates than Harvard or Princeton when it comes to Americans. I believe one year Cambridge accepted 3 American applicants. If you really want to go to the elite English schools, I suggest waiting until grad school.

The most popular school for American high schoolers is St. Andrews in Scotland. Scottish universities in general tend to admit Americans at a higher rate.


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