Preschool child with stage fright?
Favorite Answer
I do not know why she is singling him out. Some people are really bothered by children who are shy. They somehow think this is a moral failing and they have to “fix” the child. In fact, most shy children outgrow most of it on their own and are perfectly happy not being the life of the party. If you really lose your job over this you are probably better off.
Let the boss lady sit in back of room and see for herself. Teacher should be calm as child can sense nervousness when boss-lady comes in.
Discuss this with your boss ahead of time and explain why you want to handle this in this manner. She will be impressed that you took the initiative to try to come up with a way to solve this problem. But don’t tell her you got it on Yahoo Answers! Just tell her you’re corresponding with an early childhood teacher who suggested it! Email me and let me know how it works out!