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Please tell me your good and bad experiences with online classes?

I enrolled in University of Phoenix for an associates degree in information technology. I need to know if you think I made the right decision as far as doing this online and if you had any experience with this.

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I belong to an online group. At times there are workshops scheduled and I have to be in front of the computer at a certain time just as I would for a classroom. I’ve been involved in another group that requires I submit workshop homework.

It is not different than going to a physical building.

Classes are scheduled, you have reading assignments and assignments to submit.

If you are at home and doing this online then you have to have the self discipline to turn off the phone, not answer the door, be on time for class, do assignments and be there for lectures.

The convenience of not leaving home is offset by these therefore inconvenient requirements. Unless there is also the issue of tuition, or the quality of education is not exceeded elsewhere, then the University of Phoenix is not unlike any other university. And you’d be not unlike any other university student.

Good Luck in your chosen profession!


Taking an online class wasn’t the right move for me because I found it hard to stay disciplined enough to complete the class.

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