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Please help me I dont know what to do….?

ok so, I went to school 1 from elementary school. Then school two until 6th grade when i figured out I had to switch to school 2 because of my figure skating career. So im going to school 2 for 7th grade and 8th grade(im going into 8th grade this year). But so now, I’m switching clubs to a different club (ill be skating at a different place. My mom is giving me the choice to move back to school 1 being the only reason that we transferred to school 2 was because of where my first club was. But since im moving, i can move back to school 1 OR stay at school 2. (this would be for high school. Sorry if you dont fallow this, but if you do… please help! I dont know wat to do! and I know its my decision, but i need help with the pros and cons and stuff! please and thanks!


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Go to the school that you feel most welcome,the one where all your friends(close) attend.

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