PLEASE ANSWER, is it ever too early to?
where/how can i apply for one? how is it done? how do you find out about scholarships? i heard there are scholarships out there for ethnic minorities, can anyone tell me about any of that?
do most scholarships take form as a contest, like an essay writing contests? are there any where you can just simply apply??
im sorry to throw all these questions at you but please tell me all you know!!
i live in NY
Favorite Answer
Next, find the criteria you are meeting. Are you a woman who is going into the science field? A nontrad student? There are special scholarships that just require paperwork for those special people.
Most scholarships will require you to do something and submit SOMETHING, whether that be an essay or a photo project. With most you have to show that you are worthy of the scholarship.
Also, you’ll need your teachers to give you letters of reference to these places.
Also, look at the school you want to attend. See what scholarships they have to offer.
All scholarships have a different deadline, but it’s never too early to start to prepare.
Most post secondary institutions have departments that deal with helping students get scholarships. Alot of scholarships do have an essay portion to them, or they may just be for students that are connected to the company/group giving out the scholarship. For example – McDonalds has scholarships for their employees…
If you belong to any clubs or your parents do, you may be able to apply for a scholarship from there, talk to them about it and see.
Best of luck, because scholarships are basically FREE MONEY!
Thare are many web sites to help you. Do not pay for a service. They are rip offs keep looking no one charges you to apply for a schoolership.
Do you have a school ?
Go right to your Principal .
He’ll have all of your answers .