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Physics- 2 Mult. Choice questions?

1 According to the Newtonian world model, the physical

universe contained the following characteristics EXCEPT:

A) rationality

B) balance

C) asymmetry

D) uniformity

E) harmony

2.Galileo’s ideas on motion included:

A) the idea that a rush of air behind a projectile kept it in motion

B) the principle of inertia

C) the law of force times distance

D) the spring reaction model

E)objects fall at different speeds depending on their size


Only answer if you are 100% certain

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How well do you know physics (took 1 class in HS, its your college major, etc….)

Top 2 Answers
Richard F

Favorite Answer

C,E. I made an A in Physics and an A in History of Science fifty years ago. I remember these from the History of science class.

4 years ago
With genuine/fake, it particularly is often genuine if the sentence is long and specific. short imprecise ones are frequently fake. With distinctive decision (on selfmade assessments) frequently the longest decision is the superb decision. while you’re speaking approximately numbers, %. the two numbers closest jointly (or 2 solutions maximum comparable) and choose from those 2. a) 34 B) sixty seven C) 29 D) 12 decide on between a and c on that one. the instructor is attempting to be difficult and could frequently positioned a huge decision on the edge of the superb answer. wish this permits.

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