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Of Mice and Men…I really need help on these questions.. will anybody please help me =[?

1. Explain the significance of the title “Of mice and Men”

2. From almost the beginning of the story we know that Lennie is going to get into trouble. How do we know that, and how does Steinbeck hold our interest through the events of the story from that point to the climax?

3. What are the main conflicts in the story, and how are they resolved?

4. Why did boss and Slim think it was odd that George and Lennie traveled around together? Would people think it odd today? Why or why not?

5. Describe Steinbeck’s writing style. How does it influence our perception of the story?

6. Give a rationale for the six divisions made in the story.

7. Who is the main character of the book? Defend your choice

8. Where else could Lennie have gone besides with George? Was George wrong for taking Lennie with him? Would Lennie have been “better off” in an institution? Explain your answer.

9. Is the story of Of Mice and Men believable? Why or why not?

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For Q.1, check out Robert Burns’ poem “To a Mouse.” That’s the allusion and source of the title.

Q. 2 involves foreshadowing.

For Q. 9, you have to think of it in the context of the time it was written, not today.

The ones in between are pretty subjective.


Oh, god. Steinbeck=lame.

Anyway, just go with your impressions mine are…

1) It’s an exceedingly bland book that is only studied in CA because it was written here.

2) What’s a book without a bit of trouble for the main character?

3) The protagonists against the antagonists. Duh.

4) Because they’re opposites. Yeah, people still do find odd couples amusing. Whatever.

5) Bland as a saltine cracker. It makes you want to put the book down.

6) It sucks. It’s boring. It’s required reading for high school. It’s required reading for almost every CA college. Let’s see, that’s four… damn, I quit.

7) Lennie. George is annoying and even less interesting.

8) He would probably go to an asylum. That’s what they did with special people. At least George was making some money off him. (I’m a bad person.)

9) Well, gee, let’s see… I don’t believe it’s worth reading. It’s Steinbeck.

I’m sorry. That was not helpful at all.

I honestly answered with somewhat more detailed versions of those when I did that… what was it, 10th grade? Anyway, I actually passed because the teacher liked my answers and I had obviously read the book. I just didn’t answer like a parrot. Excuse me.


1. Explain the significance of the title “Of mice and Men”

Men is lennie and george. mice was in lennies pocket.

2. From almost the beginning of the story we know that Lennie is going to get into trouble. How do we know that, and how does Steinbeck hold our interest through the events of the story from that point to the climax?

by having people save his dignity until it builds up (he killing the girl) to bigger troubles


I would be glad to help, but a lot of these questions are subjective in nature. Your teacher wants your view on the story… not mine.

it’s a good book and a lot better than having to read Dickens or Melville. give it a try.


how about you read the book yourself and answer the questions based on what you read. now tell me, did you even open the book?

who do you think i am….cliff notes?

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