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Next year, I’ll be attending a strict private school I was really excited an all UNTIL….?

I pulled a prank on someone with a friend (she won’t be going to the same school as me next year, though). We editted the color and banner of someone’s website and added a guestbook and chatroom. We signed with a nickname (it was NOT someone we knew, it was a humorous name). Now mind you, this website was a not-so-famous band’s website (I was the original designer for it, but they soon fired me), and they had changed their name, so naturally you would only expect for them to MAKE A NEW ONE, since they supposedly weren’t even using the one we editted anyway. We didn’t intend for it to get so out of control, an we deeply regret what we did. Now, one of the band members will be attending my school. He says he’s geting revenge on me. I know they dont tolerate such behavior, so if he gets in trouble, he’ll say everything I did to his website (and maybe exaggerate). I know the school does not allo use of underage drug or alcohol abuse, but would this also be a reason for expulsion?

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Considering this happened before you started school, i dont think it will have anything to do with them. Even if you did do the prank when there it still wouldnt have anything to do with them as its off school property.

Sgt Pepper
I had to read you post twice to figure out the question.

Yes, underage drug and alcohol abuse is likely grounds for expulsion. You have to be of age in order to legally abuse drugs and alcohol.


If you didn’t do it during school, and did it on your own time before you moved, you shouldn’t get expelled. If he says you did it in school, have something that says you didn’t.


btw..which private skool?


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