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neubilizer (pulmicort respules…?

How long do I have to leave the mask on my son (9 months)?? How can I know when the treatment is done???

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lol, i have asthma and i just had an attack last night! anyway, duration depends actually on the volume of the medicine you poured into the inhaler…consult your doctor first for the right amount of dosage…i personally use 2.5ml ventolin + 2.0 budecort and it lasts about 12-15 minutes, i am 22 btw. so for your son’s age, it would be much lesser and shorter duration of course…also one way of knowing when to stop is when you hear the gurgling, spurting sounds…

ok, goodluck and i hope your son gets better soon!♥


I’m not sure why this is in quotations but i’ll answer anyway. You should have been given a medicine to put in your son’s nebulizer and you leave it on until the medicine has all evaporated. Should take between 5- 10 minutes. Ask your doctor or asthma specialist if you are still wondering.

It takes about 7 minutes. You’ll hear the nebulizer start to sputter and stop seeing the vapor… My son takes that, too.

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