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Need to finish a 200 page book in one day?!?

Any tips, please don’t ask me why I have to finish it in one day, but I need to write a book report and I haven’t even read the book yet. Is it possible to read a 200 page book in 1 day? I’m a pretty fast reader..

Top 10 Answers

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Quit procrastinating and start reading. You can finish it and write your report if you stop wasting time on the Internet. In the future, read the book the MOMENT it is assigned to you. That way, you wont be rushing to try to read it all in one day.

of course it is!

Just don’t procrastinate anymore… 200 pages should really only take you about 3 or four hours… just go to a quiet place and read read read!

Get some headphones with intrusmental music to help you tune out the outside world..

Also, learning when you can “scan” a page instead of reading it word for word is a good skill to have..

The way i stand up to these awful challenges i put myself in is, i just see how much time i have to finish it, then realize how much free time i’ll have if i push on through and finish as soon as possible.. because if you don’t do it, you’ll just be thinking about how you didn’t finish your homework… if you get done in 3 hours, you’ll feel good about yourself and have a pleasent sleep tonight… after you get done with your book, go to or sparknotes to see if there were any themes to the book you may have missed..


5 years ago
For some people, like me, it’s hard not to finish a book in one day. If you really get into it, you’ll have no problem reading it in a few hours. If there’s a part that’s really boring or does not seem really significant to the plot/theme, you can just skim over it… I’ve done that for quite a few book reports.

Convince yourself that you want to read it and just do it! I read Harry Potter 7 between 8.55 am (I got it 6 minutes earlier than the 9.01 Australian embargo – don’t tell Scholastic!) and 2.30 am the following morning … that’s 600 pages in 17.5 hours or about 2.8 hours per hundred pages. I don’t consider myself a fast reader or that as a simple book.

I understood it thoroughly but now I am reading it again slow time!

Get off the net and do it!


Not if you’re playing on the internet – get to it and you should have no prob. 1 minute per page x 200 pages = 3 hrs 20 min.

Yes, it is easy, as long as you keep with it. Hopefully the book is interesting. Read the first few chapters to get the gyst of the plot, then skim through a few chapters, quickly …every few chapters read all the way through it so you don’t miss anything good. you’ll get through it!

Yes, it’s possible but you need to get off of here and start reading.

you should be able to finish it easily in one day if its that short, as long as you get off the internet and start reading!!

If you let me know the title of the book, I’m sure I could help you find a summary that will help you. Contact me via my profile and I’ll do what I can.

5 years ago
I want to ask the same question as the user above.

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