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Lesley M

Name someone who singlehandedly changed the world?

My 14 year old son and I were having a conversation about his future, and he said, “But, Mom, I can’t change the world by myself!” Please help us to compose a list of people who changed the world for the better, by themselves, with a brief description of what they did. Please remember to only list positive influences- Hitler and Bin Laden have no place on this list. Thank you for your help.

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I wouldn’t say anyone “single-handedly” changed the world, but there are some phenomenal people who have made immense impacts, and certainly served as catalysts for change.

Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Susan B. Anthony, Malcolm X… this list could go on and on. TIME magazine has a list of the 100 most influential people. (I actually believe they have several lists now – separating them into categories like entertainment, politics etc.)

I would also like to say that I do not agree with your assessment that Hitler and Bin Laden and any similarly behaved men and women do not belong on this list. I think if you spoke to anyone who was victimized by these people, they would agree. They have changed the world; the way we think, the way we behave… have you been to an airport since the 9/11 attacks? They will never go back to what they were. THAT was changing the world. In fact, I would say there is no bigger change possible; then to change the way we think. Your son is certainly old enough to distinguish between these sets of people, and I think it would be a disservice to him, as well as everyone who has seen their actions first hand if you just ignored their influence.

In addition to this, remember that many of these people set in motion a positive course of events, though that was not their intent. Think about the positive repercussion of 9/11. I don’t mean to say it was a good thing, or that it should have ever happened… it is likely the hardest hitting, non-personal event of my lifetime thus far… but we found out the strengths of the American people, and that hatred is not inborn, but rather, we are trained to do it.


5 years ago
Sweden: Ibrahimovic Greece: Samaras Italy: Pirlo Portugal: C.Ronaldo England: Rooney Germany: Ballack Holland: Robben France: Henry Spain: David Villa

Mahatma Ghandi

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mother Teresa

Martin Luther


He is absolutely right. He can not change the world by himself. The list of people who single handily changed the world is very short. In fact, there is only one entry. Jesus Christ is the only one. Through Him the world was created and through Him is the only way your son will be saved from perishing. Instruct your son to believe on the Only way to eternal life:

John 3:36

“He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”


The Buddha

Lao tzu

Babaji Nagaraj


And on the questionable side: The “inventor” of depleted uranium ammunition–we’ll all find out soon enough about that “change”

Our president–in so many ways, including proving, finally, that anyone CAN be president, no matter how marginal the IQ, with the right connections. :))


Joe L
Martin Luther King, Jr.

That Guy
the guy who created the printing press…. b4 that invention knowledge was all concentrated in the hands of an elite few, but after that it became mass-produceable and more poor/common folk were able to be enlightened and improve their family condition through education (including most of the folks that will rightfully be mentioned and considered in this discussion)

PS i think you need to disqualify one-handed guys who can’t spell, because technically, they would have to be considered in any discussion about singlehandedly changing “the wold”… just a thought


Martin Luther King Jr.


Alexander Gram bell


Ben Franklin

The guy who invented the computer (can’t remember name)


Canadian Ken
Christopher Columbus

Rosa Parks


Alexander the Great


No one changed the world by themselves but, what they did do was start the process. King Henry the VIII used the catholic church to get his way, but he also influenced the renaissance era.

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