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n a few short sentences, please tell us why you would be qualified for this position?

help im filling out an application online and i am not at all a good writer, need someone thats very intelligent to make it sound good……………lol….please help!

its jus a retail position………i have 5 yrs retail experience i was a manager for a year and im good with computers and im very friend…… put that together please……..

Top 1 Answers

Favorite Answer

I have five years experience in the retail industry. I was a manager of (fill in number of employees) employees. I am experienced with (list software you know how to use). I have the ability to relate well both with customers and fellow employees.

I have provided some sentences for you but you must type them correctly. Look at you question. It is riddled with typing errors. Even one mistake can keep you from being interviewed.

I would suggest typing your answer in a word processing software. Spell check your answer and then copy and paste it into the form.

Good luck in your job search!


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